Do not forget: Stajl by Malmö 31 Augusti kl 12 - 20, S:t Knuts torg. I will bring everything I got for sale, bags, hats, porcelain as well as the new succes button-jewellery!
After more then 5 months break from blogging I will start showing new things again! I have started making rings, bracelets, earrings and brooches from old buttons! I ran into an interesting older man at a fleamarket when he was selling these buttons, i fell madly in love ith all of them and could not decide which one to buy. He told me that the buttons came from old shops that had closed down and that he had travelled around Europe to collect buttons from these shops as his hobby when he was younger. I am now the lucky owner of this amazing, colourful and BIG collection. Here are some more! Soon on sale in the shop! I will sell also sell them at Merkado 2-3 august and at Stajl by Malmo the 31 of August in Malmö. Be there to grab one or a handful of these unique items!
Jag startade märket 2007. Namnet skvallrar om mitt intresse att skapa nya accessoarer av något gammalt. Jag har troligtvis Sveriges största knappsamling, den är helt fantastisk och en outsinlig källa till inspiration. I en studio vid Drottningtorget i Malmö omvandlar jag fragment ur modehistorien till moderna smycken.
Här visar jag nya smycken, snackar om olika grejer jag håller på med.